Custom Homes Highlands

Custom Homes Highlands

Highlands BC is the perfect spot for introverts and outdoorsy types thanks to its rural character, natural beauty, and environmental consciousness. New builders are encouraged to blend in with the landscape, use nature to your advantage, and build green to reduce your environmental impact. Highlands is part of Greater Victoria and is one of the best locations to view wildlife in your very own backyard. There are tons of outdoor recreation spots and facilities that guarantee you’ll always have something exciting to do out in nature.

What is a Custom Home?

A custom home is a home that is designed just for you, using your input and taking your preferences and lifestyle into account every step of the way. Rather than choose a home with a random layout, you’ll have a choice regarding your layout and can control the number of bedrooms, determine the square footage, decide on the number of stories, and make every other design decision related to your exterior, interior, and landscaping. It will become a reflection of you and your lifestyle.  

Benefits of Custom Homes Highlands

  • You Pick the Location. When you decide to build a custom home, it is up to you to choose and purchase the land for the property. Your builder should help you with this experience and can make it quite exciting to decide where you want to live. Plus, you get to control your views, your neighbors, and your proximity to the city. You choose the precise location to build your custom home that works for your lifestyle and family.
  • You Pick the Size. Building custom means you get a say over every aspect of your home, and that refers to the size of your home as well! You choose your square footage, the number of stories, and even the size of the rooms.
  • Your Home Suits Your Lifestyle. If you love to entertain and want a backyard oasis for barbecues, have one. If you’re an avid reader and have always dreamed of having a library in your home, build it with floor to ceiling shelves. If you love to cook and want a large kitchen with an island and a mammoth fridge, do it! You get to design your home to match your lifestyle and personality in a way that no spec home ever would.
  • You Choose the Materials. With input from your builder, you will choose every material and every surface in your home. Every minute detail of the interior and exterior of your home is your choice, from marble countertops to a dark grey brick siding to heated floors. Everything you want, you can have, and you can choose the perfect balance of modern contemporary and ranch style features to make the perfect home.
  • You Set the Budget. Building a custom home allows you to set your budget and approve every expense so you don’t pay a penny more than you can afford. Searching for a home can be stressful if you can’t find something nice in your price point, but you can build a custom home for $100,000 or $800,000, whatever fits your budget.

Why Choose Our Design-Build Process for Custom Homes in Highlands

  • Budget Management. The budget for your custom home in Highlands will affect every design decision you make, but we’ll help you set a realistic budget that allows for every feature you want without costing too much. We’ll help you budget for your home in a stress-free way and ensure the build stays on track financially.   
  • Single Source of Accountability. Managing a bunch of different timelines and dozens of people would take all the fun out of building your dream home, so we say no to that hands-on approach. Instead, we handle all the orchestrating and management of the project so you can relax and only take part in the fun stuff. You’ll come to us with any questions or concerns and we’ll oversee the entire project for optimized communication and a streamlined process. If something goes wrong, you come to us and we straighten it out.
  • Faster Project Completion. Our process works better than others because we’ve spent years streamlining it and making it better. We prepare the site before the designs are finished and take care of any setbacks before they have a chance to delay the build. Our experienced project managers will arrange every task to ensure that things are completed as efficiently as possible.
  • Quality Control. Since all communication goes through your dedicated team, and we’ve spent as much time as you have planning and designing your home, we are in the perfect position to oversee your build and ensure it matches your vision. We will double check every task as it is completed to ensure the highest quality home.

Why We’re the Top Company Building Custom Homes in Highlands

  • Credibility and Consistency. When you work with us, you enjoy the experience and talent of some of the top designers, architects, and builders in BC. Our team delivers on every promise and will exceed your every expectation. We have an unmatched commitment to excellence, and that includes an intense dedication to value, quality, and integrity. We let our past projects speak for themselves to fill you with confidence in our ability to build you a safe, sound, and beautiful home.
  • Quality Workmanship. We are committed to building the best home yet with each client, so we perform top-quality work at every stage of construction and monitor every detail of your home. We don’t stop until everything is up to our incredibly high standards. We use only the best people, the best materials, and the best building practices to ensure that your home passes every inspection and quality check with flying colours.
  • Value and Honesty. Custom homes in Highlands are far from cheap, and you need a company you can trust to build and oversee your budget throughout the design and build process. We promise to always be completely transparent regarding costs and will always be honest during any price comparison or budget negotiation. It is important to us that you trust us to build your home for you and that you are comfortable with the finances every step of the way.

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